Camden Troncin Wins 2022 Outstanding New Member Award
Over the past two semesters, a new member of Delta Upsilon has shown what it’s like to come in and automatically be both a leader and everyone’s friend all in one. Camden Troncin, a freshman from Urbandale, IA, joined in the fall of 2021 and has bled DU ever since.
He has been involved in both Homecoming and Greek Week events, served as our Community Service chair this past semester, created several new service opportunities for the entire chapter, and has put in countless hours for himself as well. For the upcoming semester, Camden has been appointed Kitchen manager for our house and plans on working with different exec positions to run for one of his own later this fall.
Part of his leadership skills came out when he attended the annual RLA conference in Kansas City. There our Chapter was able to see first hand the level of communication and responsibility that he is able to bring to this chapter. His unique freshman year has set him up to be a great leader within the chapter and we’re excited to see where he takes it.
Not only is Camden a great leader, but he’s also a great friend to everyone in the fraternity no matter their age. Being that he lived in the house this past spring, he is always in other people’s rooms hanging out, no matter if they’re a sophomore or a Junior. His contagious energy is something that has already benefited the fraternity and we look forward to having it for 3 more years. Congratulations to Camden Troncin on winning the 2022 Outstanding New Member Award!