Jack Belloli Wins 2020 Outstanding New Member Award

Jack Belloli, ’23

Congratulations to Jack Belloli ’23 for being named the Outstanding New Member of the Iowa State DU Chapter. Jack just completed his freshman year in the College of Engineering. He plans on majoring in Civil Engineering. Although engineering students are presented with many academic challenges as first year students, Jack was able to achieve a 3.27 GPA. His work ethic and time management skills allowed him to excel in academics while also being involved in other activities throughout his freshman year.

Jack also showed a great understanding of Delta Upsilons Four Founding Principles: Development of Character, Diffusion of Liberal Culture, Advancement of Justice and Promotion of Friendship. His willingness to challenge all members to be better, his understanding toward many issues and his kindness to all have earned him great respect throughout the Chapter.

As a member of the Chapter, Jack showed a willingness to get involved right out of the gate. He participated in Homecoming, Yell Like Hell and Greek Week. Also, because of Jack’s trust within the Chapter, he was chosen as the only freshman to be on the summer recruitment team. He will spend much of the summer working hard to bring in the next pledge class to DU. Thank you to Jack for his contributions to the DU Chapter. We look forward to seeing what you can accomplish over the next few years as a DU brother!

Joe Stanton Wins 2020 Chev Adams Award

Joe Stanton, ’20

Congratulations to Joe Stanton ’20 for being awarded the Chev Adams Award as the most outstanding senior member of the Iowa State DU Chapter. Joe has been an outstanding representative of DU throughout his time at Iowa State. He has been a member of the Exec Board as both VP of Recruitment and VP of Administration. Beyond his involvement in DU, Joe has interned at the Iowa State Research Park and Principal Financial Group. He has also started his own business, Ash Avenue Prints. His company creates customized posters for their clients. Academically, Joe graduated from the Iowa State Ivy College of Business with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. He excelled academically with a 3.70 cumulative GPA.

As a senior, many brothers choose to be less involved in the fraternity. This is not how Joe approached his senior year. He jumped at every opportunity presented to him and even requested additional responsibilities. In the fall semester he served as the Social Media Chair and was very involved in DU’s homecoming participation. In the spring semester, he served as the Greek Week Co-Chair. Outside of DU, Joe was named as 1 of 10 people on the Iowa State Homecoming Court, Cardinal Court. This is a tremendous honor for any Iowa State senior.

Through his accomplishments in academics, career advancement and brotherhood, Joe has become a model brother for Delta Upsilon. Joe doesn’t just give advice to the underclassmen, but he also leads by example. He has and will continue to be an excellent representation of what it means to be a member of Delta Upsilon even as he becomes an alumni. Thank you to Joe for his contributions to Iowa State Delta Upsilon!